
to the Lipedema Society.

Advancing Lipedema Awareness and Medical Education.


Advancing Awareness and Medical Education for Lipedema

Founded in 2015, the Lipedema Society was the first medical society established in the United States with a focus on lipedema surgical treatments.

Today, the Lipedema Society is a philanthropic organization acting as a hub of information and a network for all who are interested in and/or affected by lipedema including medical professionals, patients and their families, advocates, providers, physicians, surgeons and researchers. 

Our Purpose is to promote awareness and medical education for Lipedema.

Our Mission is to advance the multi-specialty discipline of Lipedema treatment for the benefit of patients and practioners.

At the Lipedema Society, we share medical information and resources about lipedema to educate and raise awareness for lipedema.

About Us

When the Lipedema Society was originally founded, very few surgeons were treating lipedema. At that time, there was a distinct need to develop a network of the top lipedema surgeons, clinicians and academics in the world to share best practices and develop standards of care for treating lipedema patients. While our greater global lipedema community has made significant progress since then, much remains to be done.

In August of 2022 we relaunched the Lipedema Society with a renewed focus on advancing lipedema awareness and medical education.

With today’s patients demanding control of their personal health, the Lipedema Society has expanded to include all of those affected by lipedema and those working in the field of lipedema including healthcare providers, physicians, surgeons and researchers as well as patients and their families, medical professionals and advocates.Together we can advance awareness and medical education for lipedema.

The Lipedema Society operates as a non-profit entity led by our Executive Director, Board of Directors and Medical Advisory Board working together to advance the field of Lipedema treatment for the benefit of patients and practitioners.

David Amron, MD

Founder Lipedema Society

Dr. David Amron pioneered lipedema surgical techniques in the United States and with 25+ years of experience and over 5000 successful and safe lipedema surgeries completed, he is a leading authority on lipedema liposuction surgery.

Dr. Amron is a board-certified Dermatologic Surgeon, the Medical Director and Founder of the  Advanced Lipedema Treatment Program at The Roxbury Institute and a member of the Lipedema Society Medical Advisory Board.

Join The Community!


Educational Resources

Coming soon!

What we're currently reading in the medical literature.

NIH > National Library of Medicine National Centre for Biotechnology Information

Vyas A, Adnan G. Lipedema. [Updated 2022 Sep 27]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan.

Available from:


Canadian Journal of Health Technologies

A CADTH Publication

Vol. 2 No. 8 (2022)

Published August 10, 2022

Khai Tran, Jennifer Horton Liposuction for Lipedema: 2022 Update

Available from:


NICE > National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

Liposuction for chronic lipoedema

Interventional procedures guidance [IPG721]

Published: 29 March 2022

Available from:


Phlebology: The Journal of Venous Disease

Herbst KL, Kahn LA, Iker E, et al. Standard of care for lipedema in the United States. Phlebology. 2021;36(10):779-796.

Available from:


Neutraceuticals 2022

Published October 3, 2022

Cannataro, R.; Cione, E. Nutritional Supplements and Lipedema: Scientific and Rational Use. Nutraceuticals 2022, 2, 270-277.

Available from:



A Research Journal

The Obesity Society

Volume 27 Issue 10

October 2019

Buso, G., Depairon, M., Tomson, D., Raffoul, W., Vettor, R. and Mazzolai, L. (2019), Lipedema: A Call to Action!. Obesity, 27: 1567-1576. 

Available from:


Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy

Volume 2022:15

Published August 22, 2022

Jeziorek M, Szuba A, Kujawa K, Regulska-Ilow B. The Effect of a Low-Carbohydrate, High-Fat Diet versus Moderate-Carbohydrate and Fat Diet on Body Composition in Patients with Lipedema. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2022;15:2545-2561
Available from:


Quality of Life Research 2022

Published 16 August 2022

Clarke, C., Kirby, J.N., Smidt, T. et al. Stages of lipoedema: experiences of physical and mental health and health care. Qual Life Res (2022).

Available from:


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